Sunset Cove is excited to announce that our original building has been extensively renovated and upgraded, and a new 38-room, 4-storey wing has been added!
The new addition is approximately 24,000 square feet and offers many new enhancements that will benefit all residents, such as:
• New, larger dining room with a view of the water
• New kitchen with modern high-speed ovens
• New activity room with TV, refrigerator, counter, etc.
• New furnishings for common areas
• Courtyard
• New outdoor deck
• Spectacular view of the St. Lawrence River
We’ve also added new amenities to improve the comfort, care and safety of our residents including: heating and cooling controls in every room, a wireless call alert system for every resident and Wi-Fi throughout their facility to ensure that residents can easily stay in touch with their families.
Book a lunch and tour of Sunset Cove by calling Kim at 613-534-2307.